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Email Security


Email Security, Mail Archiving, and Email Continuity Services

Darn IT Group offers cloud-based email security tools and products designed to help your business stay in control while providing secure email protection for your inbound and outbound email. eSecurity uses collective threat intelligence, 24/7 email continuity solutions, and long-term email archiving—all at an affordable price. Our email filtering technology incorporates input from processing large volumes of email data that feed into our Intelligent Protection & Filtering Engine. This, combined with real-time pattern threat recognition and machine learning technology, helps protect your business against emerging email-borne cyber threats.

Keeping Your Business Safe and Productive

Your business relies on email to get the job done and to communicate effectivly. Majority of cyber attacks originiate from email sent by threat actors. eSecurity uses collective threat intelligence and machine learning to help protect your business against spam, malware, viruses, ransomware, spear phishing, social engineering attacks, impersonation, spoofing, business email compromise, and various other email-borne threats.

Advanced Threat Protection for Inbound and Outbound Email Security

All it takes is one click, one bad decision to take down a network. eSecurity provides the secure email protection for your business – processes email data from over 2 million domains to help safeguard against emerging threats with near 100% filtering accuracy. Real-time pattern threat recognition – leveraging a variety of filtering technologues – including anti-phishing and impersonation protection. eSecurity offers support for SPF, DKIM, and DMARC so you can take every possible measure to prevent email phishing and spoofing email attacks.

Gsuite and Office 365

Keep Secure on Gsuite and Office 365

eSecurity supports protection on cloud-based Google Gsuite and Microsoft Office 365. Those who rely solely on the native security of these platforms without additional protection could be vulnerable to email security threats. eSecurity offers seamless integration to enhance your protection against email threats. eSecurity also offers email continuity solutions – even when Office or Gsuite has an outage or down for maintenance.

Encrypted, Secure, Long-Term Email Archiving

Encrypted email archiving is often overlooked in email deployments yet most valuable. You never know when you’ll need to retrieve an old email. The need to restore an accidentally deleted message or show evidence during the e-discovery portion of an audit or lawsuit. With eSecurity, you can store your email in Canada for as long as you need to reduce data loss with rbust encrypted email archiving that includes an unlimited retention period. 

24/7 Email Continuity

What is more fustrating than your email service going down? Business interruptions due to email server outages or downtime could end up costing your business time and revenue. eSecurity offers 24/7 email continuity – even if the primary email server goes offline, you can continue sending, reading, and receiving email as if nothing happened. 

Try eSecurity Today

eSecurity puts ultra secure email protection in your business. Experience reliable enterprise email security for about a cup of coffee a month.

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Email Security Can Be Complicated. We Can Help

We have the right security email solution for your business